Thursday, July 2, 2009

Can't you just ask someone?

(Of course I'm not going to use the real company name so I'll just call it P Co.)

So P Co. is a good sized company. We probably have about 40 "regular" employees, and a dozen or so temps that work in the production area. Whenever a call comes in, I answer it and transfer it to the right person. Once and awhile I'll get a call from someone who has a question for a particular department (sales, planning, etc)...and it usually isn't too hard to get someone to help them. But, this guy was a whole other story....

Me: Good morning, P Co.
Caller: Um yea, this number was on my caller ID so I'm just calling you back.
Me: Well is there anyone at this company that would be contacting you?
C: Who is this again?
M: P Co.
C: No I don't think I know anyone there
M: Are you currently doing business with us?
C: No
M: Okay, well there are a lot of people that call from this number so it could be a number of people.
C: I'm just calling the number back. Can't you just ask someone?
M: Sir, there are a lot of people that work here. If you don't know anyone here, and you're not doing business with us, it may have just been a mis-dial.
C: Oh. Okay.

I guess I better start getting call records for everyone here in case there's another call like that. Or not....

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